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SaaS for creating convenient investor updates and keeping track of your investor relationships

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MVP Development
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Project Description

Case Study in One Sentence

How we built a tool that got acquired right after MVP? Here’s how!

Client's Goal

Kolo approached Leverion with an ambitious idea to validate and develop a tool for writing investor updates. The client's vision was to create a user-friendly platform that streamlined the process of communicating with investors, making it easier for startups to keep their stakeholders informed and engaged. Kolo aimed to fill a gap in the market, competing with established players like Visible and Paperstreet.


Initial Research and Competitive Analysis

We began the project by conducting research to understand the market and identify key competitors. This phase involved:

  • Market research to understand demand and user needs.
  • Competitor analysis focusing on Visible and Paperstreet to identify gaps and opportunities.

MVP Definition Sessions

Next, we organised a couple of workshops with Kolo. They included:

  • User Story Mapping. We mapped out user stories to understand the primary use cases and workflows.
  • Feature Prioritization. Collaboratively prioritized features that would deliver the most value with the least effort.
  • Sitemap Creation. Developed a detailed sitemap to outline the structure and navigation of the tool.

Design and Branding

While defining the MVP, our designer worked closely with Kolo on the visual identity of the product. This included:

  • Logo design.
  • UI kit and interface components.
  • Creating a comprehensive design system to ensure a cohesive user experience.

Prototyping and UX Development

With the design elements in place, we moved on to prototyping. This phase involved:

  • Creating interactive prototypes to visualize the user interface.
  • Conducting UX sessions to refine user flows and improve usability.

Rapid MVP Development

Given the tight timeline, our developers employed swift, bootstrapped methods to build the product. The technology stack included:

  • JavaScript for frontend & backend development.
  • Component Libraries to save time on designing UI elements
  • Forest Admin for a ready-made easy-to-use admin panel.
  • AuthZero for authentication management
  • BlockNote.js for the core editor functionality.
  • SendGrid for email sending features.

Our focus was on delivering a functional MVP quickly, without compromising on quality.


Successful Market Validation and Acquisition

Upon completing the MVP, Kolo began engaging with venture funds to explore partnerships and funding opportunities. The MVP was well-received, showcasing its potential and problem-solution fit. This led to Kolo receiving an acquisition offer for the tool, which they accepted, marking a significant success story for both Kolo and Leverion.

Want to Validate Your Idea Quickly and Effectively?

At Leverion, we specialize in helping startups like Kolo turn their visions into reality with rapid and reliable MVP development. Whether you're looking to validate your idea or build a market-ready product, we're here to help.

Contact Leverion Today to Get Started!