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July 19, 2024

Best Tips to Validate Your Startup Idea

You solve the problem. What exactly?

The first step in validating your startup idea is to clearly identify the problem you're aiming to solve. This focus helps ensure you're addressing a genuine need in the market. Ask yourself: Is this a significant issue for enough people? Is it important enough that people are willing to pay for a solution?

Quick check: if you can't formulate the problem your idea solves in one sentence, it likely means that your idea is still incomplete or not well-defined.

Who will use, who will buy? 

Next, it's crucial to understand who your target audience is. Conduct market research to gather insights about your potential customers. Identify not only their demographics, but mostly behaviors, needs, and ways that they choose to solve this problem now. 

Quick tip: try to imagine your customer as a single person, so who are they, and how do they overcome the problem you are solving?

Test your idea 

Leverage your personal network to test your idea. This could include friends, colleagues or your LinkedIn network. Share your product or service with them and ask for honest feedback. it won't be professional comprehensive feedback, but it will help you speed up by three times. An outside perspective helps you see things clearly.

It’s better to hear objections at the start.

Create a Minimum Viable Product (MVP)

Develop a minimum viable product (MVP) that includes only the core features necessary to address your target audience's primary problem. This approach allows you to launch quickly and start testing with real users without extensive upfront investment. The goal of an MVP is to validate your concept and gather initial feedback, not to be perfect in details.

It's better to show once than to tell ten times.

Get feedback on your prototype

Once your MVP is ready, put it out there and collect feedback from users. Analyze this feedback to understand what works well and what needs improvement. Use these insights to make adjustments and enhancements to your product, helping you create a more polished and market-ready offering.

Quick check: is your prediction about solving the exact problem was right?

You’re focused on exact actions → Actions bring visible results → Your motivation grows, and resources get wider. Make your launch smarter, not harder.